Friday 5 December 2008


Peter Mandelson says Brown is "like Moses".
"People really do look to him like some Moses figure who is going to lead them away from this economic mess to the promised land,"said the prodigal son.

He may have a point.
Moses was tasked by God to deliver the Hebrews from slavery. After the plagues were unleashed on Egypt, he led the Hebrew slaves across the Red Sea where they wandered in the desert for 40 years. Despite living to 120, Moses died before reaching the Land of Israel

So, just 38.5 more years and we'll be there.

Moses had the 10 Commandments too. A bit like his earlier 5 economic tests for joining the Euro.
{tourist rate Euro is 1.09 today so nearly there}

Any ideas for Brown's new 10 commandments ?

Thou shalt not covet thine neighbours mortgage protection insurance
Thou Shalt lag thine water tank


Dungeekin said...

Brilliant idea.

My 'Ten Commandments of Mr Twit' are here:



Mark Wadsworth said...

Brilliant. Being by nature an optimist, perhaps there are only twenty nine years to go?

Anonymous said...

You shall have no other economic policies before mine.

Electro-Kevin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Electro-Kevin said...

Moses' army made short work of the Midianites - having spared the women and the children he expressed his fury at the mercy demonstrated by his troops and ordered them to kill every boy child and all the women who were not virgins.


Whatever his commandments ... obey ! He's a psychopath.

May I seek your counsel ? Two issues really. What would you do:

- if you were five years into a 10 year fixed mortgage with redemption penalty (4.79% on 50k) ?

- if you were partaking in a preferential shares scheme at work. Buying at discount, original investment assured. Taking into account the devaluation of Sterling am I better off partying with the cash now ?

Bill Quango MP said...

Dungeekin ...Particularly liked your 4 and 9 commandments, but they are all good.

4. Thou Shalt not work on the Sabbath, nor any other day if on Benefits;
9. Thou Shalt not bear false Witness, nor leaketh information as that's our job;

Dungeekin said...

Thank you Sir - sorry Commandment 10 was too rude for your good selves!


Anonymous said...

Something to ponder, something more to worry about, something to further hasten the sectioning of that cunt, Brown. The first commandment : thou shalt not "quantitative ease"

JPT said...

Thy shall thyself 'leak' but have other 'leakers' arrested.

CityUnslicker said...

EK - I think you stick with the fixed rate. I doubt you will do alot better than 4.78%.

If inflation kickes off in a year or two you will be glad of the fix.

As for shares, just depends on the stability of the company. Right now cash is a loser so any kind of investment is probably good - as lonh as it can't go total belly up

CityUnslicker said...

EK - I think you stick with the fixed rate. I doubt you will do alot better than 4.78%.

If inflation kickes off in a year or two you will be glad of the fix.

As for shares, just depends on the stability of the company. Right now cash is a loser so any kind of investment is probably good - as lonh as it can't go total belly up

Bill Quango MP said...

EK I was trying to fix at 5.5% a few years back but had to take a variable.
So I'm laughing today..but it won't last and as we know rates will rise and rise as quickly as they have come down.

Electro-Kevin said...

Thanks, CU and Bill.

As far as money goes watch me closely ... then do precisely the opposite and you'll be OK !


Anonymous said...

Good evening all.... I was amused by the Moses comment and commented on it in my Postcard from The Boat last weekend... I rather liked Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir's take on Moses... - appropriate, perhaps for Brown?

“Let me tell you something that we Israelis have against Moses. He took us 40 years through the desert in order to bring us to the one spot in the Middle East that has no oil!”

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