Friday 12 December 2008

Dunnell and Scholar - Heroes for Our Times

In an age of crumbling values and virtues, ladies and gentlement I give you ...

Sir Martin Scholar, and Karen Dunnell ! True heroes for our times.

Can these two worthies start a return to integrity in government ? It has to start somewhere, and perhaps this is it - a revival of integrity in statistical reporting. They know the score, and they don't look the compromising type to me. (Wha
t does Sir Martin whisper to his NuLab-insider son Tom ?) Enough of the Government's pernicious mis-use of statistics - and their lies and their damned lies while we're at it !

Coupled with Gordon Brown's latest world-saving exploits being knocked down into 4th, 5th, even 6th billing in the evenin
g news broadcasts - displaced by the tale, inter alia, of these chaps and their principled war on his cynical, arch-NuLab abuse of statistics - and off the Saturday front pages altogether, this is a great spin-free start to the weekend. ND


Anonymous said...

It will take a great deal of effort since for many years few of us have believed Government statistics.
Sir Martin Scholars career is no doubt in ruins so it'll be back to academe for him.
On the other hand perhaps the UKSA will perform as the National Audit Office does by just now and then holding the Government to account.

lilith said...

No spin? The BBC report is quite misleading. It says Tories Demand Knife Data Appology and thus imply Scholar is a "Tory"

"The Tories have demanded an apology after Downing Street admitted releasing data on knife crime after ignoring objections from statisticians.

Sir Michael Scholar, head of the UK Statistics Authority, said officials pleaded with No 10 not to release "unchecked" and "selective" numbers.

The government admitted "insufficient attention" was given to the authority's views on releasing the data."

lilith said...

They should get the police in to find out how this got released...

Nick Drew said...

Lilith - I should have known better: there is nothing the shameless Mandelbeeb can't spin

and I didn't get to see the Big Moon last night ...

and it's pouring with rain ...

lilith said...

I dunno Nick, the moon wasn't as big or exciting as a huge red one I saw in Spain a few years's raining here and Elby has made a complaint about that BEEB headline...Pig remains optimistic.

Nick Drew said...

a huge red exciting one you saw in Spain ...

tell us more

Anonymous said...

Labour at a stroke has destroyed their credibility while quoting statistics forever...good.

They brought Mandelson back to spin, but they just aren't very good at it are they? Hard faced and vicious yes, but not very good at it at all. Between the Osborne affair and this amongst some others, they have almost destroyed what little credibility labour had left with regards to spin. Brown would be better off getting rid of Mandelson.

Anonymous said...

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Mark Wadsworth said...


You mention the knife crime story and presumably the gender-non-pay-gap-story, but don't forget the story about the immigration statistics.

So that's three examples, heck knows how many more there were, where the ONS complained but it wasn't reported.