Friday, 10 October 2008

Who Could She Have Been Talking About ?

... and on the Beeb, too !

“Habitually, he stutters when he’s very stressed, he plays with his papers, he sort of shuffles them, he touches his hair.

Bringing Peter Mandelson back into play was a very Freudian ‘compulsion to repeat’ … it’s where people subconsciously repeat patterns from their past that are usually very painful patterns or scenarios or situations and I think that if you have someone who has brought a maverick back into Cabinet, someone with whom he has extremely complicated personal history, that’s bordering on self-mutilating behaviour.

He certainly needs self-love, he’s a deeply insecure person and he has quite a great inferiority complex which habitually he has compensated for by overspending, by compulsive spending, often with money that he doesn’t have, so the danger is that we collude with a lot of his dysfunctional behaviour.”

Don't feel quite so bad about the licence fee now ...


Anonymous said...

I saw that when it was on and, while I did enjoy the comedy value, I also wondered what credentials somebody needs to be introduced as a 'body language expert'...?

Nick Drew said...

sammy - oh, I think she knows what she's talking about !

Public service broadcasting at its best

Unsworth said...

Even if she doesn't know what she's talking about, it's quite nice to think that the BBC has finally managed to find someone who thinks the same as 90% of the population. No doubt the BBC is even now hunting down the researcher with a view to sacking with extreme prejudice.

Anonymous said...

Lucy Beresford seemed spot on to me. The entire country, except for the denizens of NuLieBore can see the snot gobbling nutcase is away with the fairies.

She won't be on Pravda ever again.

Pogo said...

It was still a 3 to 1 BJ for Brown though, once the BBC wonks got into their stride / down on their knees.

lilith said...

It was delicious, and almost worth the licence fee... :-) Self mutilating behaviour...see his fingernails for a psycho dynamic illustration...

lilith said...

I fear for Lucy Beresford's safety.

Steven_L said...

One good thing has come out of this short-seeling ban. Cityindex have updated their trading platform and given us limited riskers oil, a few other things and lower minimum bets.

Just thought I'd share that.

Hairy Arsed Bloke said...

Don’t be fooled. It’s a trick by the snot goblin to use the insanity plea gambit to avoid facing prosecution for his crimes. This piece of legerdemain stinks of Mandy.

Nick Drew said...

unsworth, seb, pogo, lilith - yes, a most enjoyable and aberrational outburst of lèse-majesté, amazingly the link is still there this morning, hope Lucy doesn't suffer the amende honorable

steven - good to see someone still kickin' !

HAB - you're not wrong, the evil one is creative and far-sighted

I expect our Lucy would have something to say on him, too ...

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