Thursday 2 October 2008

A Sense of History

Much as I love the Grauniad and the Beeb, their coverage over the last few days has been a caricature of bias and partisan delusion; and Gordon Brown is suddenly being deferred to as the indispensable leader for these grim times.

A bit of perspective, then. I vividly recall how, in the spring of 1979 (my second general election as a voter),
after the Winter of Discontent, somehow Jim Callaghan and a sector of the media persuaded themselves he was going to win the election.

Even I don't remember 1945, but somehow Churchill had convinced himself and his party that the country wasn't about to ditch its great wartime leader.

In both instances, somehow, some people managed to ignore the huge and fundamental swing in the public mood that had taken place over many months.

These, it seems to me, are the relevant historical precedents. Brown may have his hopes pinned on 1992: but Cameron is no Kinnock.



Unsworth said...

"Crisis - what crisis?" (Sun headline, Winter of Discontent 1979, at the beginning of Callaghan's demise)

And today The Sun has come out supporting Cameron.

Ah well, "Those who do not understand the lessons of history" etc etc....

Bill Quango MP said...

Still not sure why he has now become indispensable.

The housing market 'fix' was a complete joke.. stamp duty holiday for the very few...
An energy policy that amounted to wrapping yourself in tinfoil and help if you are over 70 with the loft.
Nothing done with interest rates and their divorce from bank rates.. nothing on the economy at all..
The man is apparently single handedly combating a global recession but I have no idea how.

Anonymous said...

According to my father, in the army in 1945 he had this rather irregular conversation:-

Astonished young Private blurts out: "They've slung Churchill out."

Wise old Dad enquires "Did you vote Labour?"

Private: "Yes, but I never thought they'd sling Chiurchill out."

Sackerson said...

"Well all right! Well all right!"

Bill Quango MP said...

Churchill himself summed it up best, as you would expect.

Distraught at the ingratitude of the country an angry at the electorate he fell into a big sulk. But a few days later he remarked to his wife..

"Its alright. This IS Democracy. This is exactly what we were fighting for all along"

Anonymous said...

Bill Q - thanks. Good one. And Brown wouldn't recognise democracy if he was wrapped and slowly roasted in it.

Newmania said...

Ed Balls Addressing the British bankers Association: 11.10.06
..” as I have travelled around the City and the UK- indeed around the world – I have seen first and the strength and depth of talent and reputation which underpins our truly global financial services industry ...”,
Or Chancellor Alistair Darling who had this to say when he addressed the Worshipful Society of International Bankers
..” as I have travelled around the City and the UK- indeed around the world – I have seen first and the strength and depth of talent and reputation which underpins our truly global financial services industry ...”
That’s what you call “On message “.I think.Brown himself was a little more to the point ...” Income tax revenues have risen as a result of bonuses , I think it is often forgotten that bonuses are a big source of extra income tax...”.Papas Got Brand New Bag now though .....” short term deals relation to long term performance ...blah blah”, but of course New Labour was “Intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich”. Yeah intensely .

Sorry I rudely pasted that from my place .Oh do not miss Private Eye ..a classic .

Nick Drew said...

yes, a nice one Mr M

Anonymous said...

Elbey: "And Brown wouldn't recognise democracy if he was wrapped and slowly roasted in it."

Excellent idea. Let's do it.

Unsworth said...

Brown has already been spit-roasted - it is said.

Nich Starling said...

Not as bad as the bias in the Daily Mail who so desperate to ignoe the truth, were the only Daily paper to fail to report the result of the Romsey by-election.

Nick Drew said...

welcome NB, and I have no brief for the Mail either

likewise, frankly, the Grauniad may do as it wishes (though it pretends to so much more)

but the Beeb, no, that's different

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